Renewable energy: ENEL will build two wind farms in Canada

The Italian energy giant ENEL, last December 14, with the help of the US subsidiary Enel Green Power North America (EGPNA), has won two Renewable Energy Support Agreements for a period of 20 years for 146 mw of wind capacity in the province of Alberta.
In fact, the managing authority of the provincial electric system, Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), launched an initial competition within a Renewable Electricity Program, part of a broader Climate Leadership Plan established by the Government of the Alberta, in which now Enel will invest a total of about 170 million US dollars for the construction of two wind farms that will become operational by 2019: the Riverview Wind of 115 mw and the Phase 2 of Castle Rock Ridge of 30.6 mw. The two plants of Pincher Creek, according to the forecasts, will produce approximately 555 GWh annually, increasing more than double the installed capacity in Canada by EGPNA, currently about 103 mw.
A world leader in the clean energy sector, Enel Green Power - the Enel Group's renewable energy division - already manages two wind farms in Canada and is more than satisfied with the goal achieved through the words of Antonio Cammisecra, head of the Global Renewable Energy Division: «We are happy to invest again in the Canadian energy sector and to continue our expansion in the Province of Alberta».