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Internationalization. The tools for Italian companies starting from CETA

Internationalization. The tools for Italian companies starting from CETA

 "Internationalization: Opportunities and Tools for Professionals and Companies" were the focus of the seminar organized on 11 December in the Council Chamber of the Rome Bar Association of Rome. The meeting, aimed at a wide audience of experts, focused on some jurisdictions with respect to which the interest, both by lawyers and companies and entrepreneurs, is very high.

Among the invited speakers, also Dr. Paolo Quattrocchi, director of the Centro Studi Italia Canada, vice president of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada - West, and partner of Nctm Law Firm, operating in the International Desk of the well-known Italian law firm, with a particular expertise in relations with Canada.

Dr. Paolo Quattrocchi presented an overview of Canada and its political-administrative organization, focusing on those aspects of greatest interest for companies wishing to operate beyond the Atlantic, such as the relevant legal aspects, the precautions to be taken into account, the approach to be followed to maximize the efforts made in an internationalization process.


A particular space was dedicated to the examination of the Strategic Partnership Agreement and to CETA, where not only the extreme relevance in the political relations between the EU and Canada was highlighted, but also the strong impact that CETA is having and may have once that training and information activity will be carried out, certainly lacking in this first year of provisional execution.

It was emphasized how to limit the application of economic and free trade agreements and ignore the growth opportunities that these agreements, while respecting the prerogatives on consumer safety, are able to produce, however, under the current situation, characterized by a contraction of domestic consumption, certainly not for the benefit of Italian entrepreneurship.

The opportunity promoted by the Rome Bar Association and the broad participation confirmed the growing interest of the professional body of lawyers for issues related to internationalization, as well as confidence in the ability of Italian exports, despite signs of a market slowdown coming from various indicators.