Cannabis, even if light, is illegal. Sales banned by Italy’s Supreme Court?
We are days away from the Cannabis Business Italia Conference, the most important event on the development of the Cannabis and hemp market in Italy. Among the speakers, Paolo Quattrocchi, Director of Centro Studi Italia Canada and Partner of NCTM Law Firm, will make a speech on “The Challenges of Unlocking North American Capital and Expertise for the Italian Market”.
We shall continue with the debate on the regulation of the sector involving the marketing of cannabis products. This is an issue which we have had to deal with before. We propose below a new article, recently published on the website of NCTM Law Firm, signed by Paolo Quattrocchi, Guido Foglia (partner of NCTM Law Firm) and Michelle Pepe (Lawyer at NCTM Law Firm) about the ambiguity of the text of the law Law 242/2016, which continues to generate doubts of interpretation, and this has been confirmed by asymmetries in interpretation by courts, risking to inhibit the success of light cannabis derivative business in Italy.